The ‘It’s Not Fair!’

An inspiring and moving new piece of theatre telling stories from around the world of human trafficking – and those who fight against it.

The It’s Not Fair’ is a collection of tales taken from all over the world.

It takes us on a journey from the cocoa farms of the Ivory Coast… to the dingy bars of the back streets of Thailand… behind the respectable facade of a London home… and into the offices of an anti-trafficking organisation – who are making a difference, one person at a time…

Luka just wants to earn enough money to buy a bike… Maria wants to take care of her family… Alisha doesn’t have a choice…‘

Using a unique blend of theatre, storytelling and music, the performance brings these stories to life in an entertaining, powerful and moving way…

A way that informs… but also inspires…

A way that raises awareness of the problems, but also brings hope…

"The script was so brilliantly written that the audience and actors felt the gravity of each situation together. "

"...left the audience speechless and humbled, no doubt with a new understanding of the injustices in our world."

"No lecture could have impacted so much, amazing performances, such a powerful event."