The Party In Heaven

A picture book for younger readers, to help them explore issues of grief & loss

There's a party in Heaven .

The angels are rushing around in great excitement, preparing for a new arrival. But Sprout, the littlest angel, notices some sad people down on earth...

As he asks his friend Castor questions, he discovers anew the love of Jesus. He learns that while life on earth can come to an end, it's not the end of the story...

Also available from:

There’s a story behind this story - one that’s very dear to my heart.

You see, a  few years ago we lost the daughter of some close friends. Her name was Abbi, and she had leukaemia.

Sadly, she lost the battle.It was a very tough time. As a family, we’d obviously prayed for her and had hoped for a miracle.

It never came.

As we sat down to process these events - and in particular with my own daughters who were 6 and 8 at the time* - it threw up a lot of questions about faith and unanswered prayer.

Big questions.

For children, and for adults.

And so I wrote this story - as a way to try and understand.

Now, I don't pretend to fully answer some of these profound theological questions in a short book.

However, I hope that what will come across to the reader is the message that just because something bad has happened, it doesn’t mean that God has forgotten us…

that Jesus understands what its like to hurt…

that he knows what its like to weep…

and that - no matter how bad things may seem at the moment -  one day they will be better.

It’s is not the end of the story.

*and for whom Abbi had been a God-mum.

Images below from the launch party for 'The Party in Heaven'.

And did you know?

‘The Party in Heaven’ is now available in Ukrainian.

Although the story is about loss and heaven, the message is universal as it either helps to process the loss of a loved one already gone or prepares us for when we lose someone dear to us.

Both the English and Ukrainian books are designed to be Dyslexic Friendly with fonts created to make reading easier for people with Dyslexia.

Our aim is to sell English and Ukrainian books together in pairs; to give as gifts to primary schools, churches, libraries, hospitals and hospices and anywhere else that you know where Ukrainian and English children are living, learning and playing together.